Marco Devillers

Eager Combinator Rewriting

I got some questions on how the Egel interpreter evaluates terms. The operational semantics of the eager combinator rewrite system I use is embarrassingly facile and trivial to explain with two pictures, so here goes.

Term evaluation

Say, you have a term language where you want to rewrite an expression consisting of combinators. In Egel’s case, each combinator is either a constant or coincides with a collection of rewrite rules, therefore, corresponds to a procedure or some code. Below, the graphical representation of the term “F (G 3) (H 2 7)”.

A term

You could use a stack and push stack frames for “F”, “G”, and “H”. However, I wanted to experiment with another model, graph rewriting. Note that since we’re rewriting eagerly we’re rewriting the innermost expression first.

The evaluation strategy Egel uses shown below is extremely simplistic: Start with the node which is to be rewritten first, store the result where necessary -the dotted lines-, and continue with the next node to rewrite -the straight lines-.

Term traversal

In this example, the node “H 2 7” is reduced first. Two things can happen: That node may reduce to a constant in which case the result is stored in the node of “F” and evaluation progresses with “G 3”. Or “H 2 7” requires more calculation, in which case the graph is expanded with the result of applying “H” to “2” and “7”.

That’s it. Note that the result is still a directed acyclic graph. That’s what enables me to implement Egel’s interpreter with native C++ reference counted pointers.

Note: For brevity the above pictures don’t completely correspond to the model coded in C++, where an OO hierarchy of nodes and arrays of pointers to nodes is used.


The byte code generated by the Egel interpreter must maintain some properties. Being, a) the ‘stack’/’spine’ forms a directed acyclic graph and b) the results calculated are such graphs too.

Furthermore, no expression should be reduced twice.


The method described is, of course, a slow and restrictive manner of evaluation.


The benefits of this model are fourfold.

I like this model of evaluation, there isn’t much more to it. Some difficulties with this model are not discussed here.

Notes: Yes, what is shown are thunks or heap allocated stack frames. Yes, the thunks form a heapified stack but, dissimilar to standard stack based evaluation, stack frames are rewritten. No, code isn’t generated with a continuation passing style (CPS) transform though how the model was derived is much akin to that. Please note that CPS is a source-to-source transformation, whereas what is described here is an evaluation strategy. You need the latter first. Stated differently, the source code is translated directly to byte code for this model, and the model is the CPS transform of the term graph according to an eager semantics.

More: Egel also supports exception handling which is a natural extension of this model.